Player Safety

Welcome to the 2024 football season. Just a couple of things to be aware of before the season starts.


The club follows the AFL guidelines and recommendations for 5 - 17yr olds.
If the trainer suspects a concussion has occurred, your child must be medically assessed as soon as possible after the injury and will not be allowed to return to play in the same game/practice session if your child has a diagnosed concussion, as per the policy your child will have a mandatory 21-day break from playing matches, at a minimum. Players must obtain a written medical clearance from a Medical Practitioner such as a General Practitioner, Sports Doctor, or Neurologist, to return to training and playing. The medical clearance must state that the player has been cleared of a concussion injury. Players must only recommence ‘usual contact’ training when symptom-free and physically able to complete full training sessions.

It is mandatory for all players from U8 to U10 a to wear a helmet, and at the discretion of the player, parents or carers from U11 to U17.

Mouth guards: 
As per our club’s mouthguard policy, mouthguards are mandatory in all age groups of juniors. Dentally fitted laminated mouthguards offer the best protection. These can be claimed on most health insurance extras and cost approx. $100. Boil and bite-type mouthguards are not recommended as they can dislodge during play and block the airway.  The AFL has released the following position statement on the role of helmets and mouthguards in Australian Football which you can view here: Role of helmets and mouthguards in Australian Football

Ambulance Cover: 
The compulsory EFNL insurance that each player pays prior to Round 1 will not cover the whole cost if your child needs ambulance transport.  You may be out of pocket more than $500. We therefore recommend that you have your own ambulance insurance.  If deemed necessary by the trainer they have a duty of care to call an ambulance regardless of whether you have cover or not.

Taping at a junior level is not encouraged.  Unnecessary taping can cause weakness or damage to an area.  If your child has had a specific injury diagnosed and taping has been recommended by the physio, doctor, or health professional, it is preferable that they are taped before arriving at the grounds. Trainers will not undertake this task for teams up to and including U13.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the season, please speak to your team trainer

Last updated: 20th May 2024